Example invocations

The asciiville command is intended to serve as the primary interface to invoke commands. The asciiville command utilizes several different terminal emulators and can also be used to invoke any specified command. Some example invocations of asciiville follow.

Run asciiville in interactive menu mode:


Display a random slideshow of 25 ascii art images selected from all galleries in the default terminal window

asciiville -E 25

Display a random slideshow of 30 ascii art images selected from the Vintage art gallery with a delay of 10 seconds between images in a Tilix terminal window

asciiville -E 30 -V Vintage -D 10 -t

Run asciiville in interactive mode with Ranger File Manager selected as command:

asciiville -i -y

Open the default client in fullscreen mode:

asciiville -F

Open the default client in fullscreen mode using the Tilix terminal emulator:

asciiville -F -t

Open the default client in the cool-retro-term terminal:

asciiville -r

Run ranger file manager in cool-retro-term terminal emulator:

asciiville -r -y

Run mpcplus music player in Tilix terminal emulator:

asciiville -M -t

Display a zoomable map of the world using mapscii:

asciiville -c maps

Display the Phase of the Moon using wttr.in:

asciiville -c moon

Display a random Pokemon:

asciiville -c pokemon

Run the ddgr command line web search in the current terminal window:

asciiville -c search

Run the rainbowstream command line Twitter client in the current terminal window:

asciiville -c twitter

Display a weather report for your IP address location using wttr.in:

asciiville -c weather

Run the cmus music player client in a gnome-terminal emulator window:

asciiville -c cmus -g

Run neomutt mail client in fullscreen mode in a tilix terminal emulator window:

asciiville -f -t -z

Run lynx web browser in a tmux session in an xfce4-terminal window:

asciiville -l -T -x

Creates an asciinema recording of btop system monitor in a tmux session:

asciiville -R -T

Run asciisplash displaying the Julia Set asciimatics animation with audio:

asciiville -S -j -a